When you create Guest OS in ESXi. And You need to increase the Hard-disk Capacity cause application requirement reason. We can increase the Hard-disk allocation in ESXi, but it need to define in Guest OS so we can use the resource that we set in ESXi Before.

I divide  in several step to guide how to Increase the Ubuntu Guest OS in ESXi

Step 1: Increase the Hard-disk in ESXi

Before Hard-disk Upgrade:

Increase size in  disk Provisioning, you my use:

  • Right click on your VM
  • Choice Edit Settings
  • Choice Harddisk
  • Change capacity in Provisioned Size (in case I change to 70 GB)
  • Click OK
Then Power on the Guest OS

Is it done? Not yet, when you increase the size, the system detect in the new dev file. So It should assign first then system can use it.

Then when you check report file system disk space usage, vg-root just use 28G

Step 2: Detect the New Space

Do this command:

 $echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/scan  
Step 3: Partition the New Space

Do command

 fdisk /dev/sda  
after enter the command, then appear choice to creat new partition

 Command (m for help):  
just hit "n' key to create new partition, then do like command below for best practice

 Command (m for help): n #New Partition  
 Partition type:  
   p  primary (2 primary, 0 extended, 2 free)  
   e  extended  
 Select (default p): p #Primary  
 Partition number (1-4, default 3): 3 #Use Default  
 First sector (499712-146800639, default 499712): #Hit Enter  
 Using default value 499712  
 Last sector, +sectors or +size{K,M,G} (499712-501757, default 501757): #Hit Enter  
 Using default value 501757  
 Command (m for help): t #change a partition's system id  
 Partition number (1-4): 3  #Partition number must be same that created before
 Hex code (type L to list codes): 8e  #Hex number for LVM
 Changed system type of partition 3 to 8e (Linux LVM)  
 Command (m for help): w #write table to disk and exit 
 The partition table has been altered!  
 Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.  
 WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.  
 The kernel still uses the old table. The new table will be used at  
 the next reboot or after you run partprobe(8) or kpartx(8)  
 Syncing disks.  
After do command above, reboot the node

 root@SDN-CONTROLLER:/home/sdn-trial# reboot   
 Broadcast message from sdn-trial@SDN-CONTROLLER  
     (/dev/pts/0) at 7:23 ...  
 The system is going down for reboot NOW!  
After reboot, verifying, make sure dev/sda3 have been installed

But it is not finish yet, we have to extend the logical volume. So logical volume can be increased

Step 4: Increasing the Logical Volume

Create physical volume

 pvcreate /dev/sda6   
We need to extend vg in ubuntu. But before extend, we need to verify first, do this command:

After do command vgdisplay, you'll find your vg name.

When want to extend the vg we can do command vgextend [vg name] [device sda] m in my case my vg name is sdn-controller-vg then the device id is dev/sda6, so I do command:

 vgextend sdn-controller-vg /dev/sda6   
You can verify using command: pvscan

It is not complete yet, we have to increase the logical volume. with extending use /dev/sda6. Before extending the Logical Volume (LV), I should know the LV path, to verify lvpath just do command lvdisplay. Then the output is:

To extend logical volume, just do the command lvextend [lv path] [dev sda id that use].Because my lv path is /dev/sdn-controller-vg/root and dev sda that I use is /dev/sda6, so I do command:

 lvextend /dev/sdn-controller-vg/root /dev/sda6  
The output when command successfully works

Finalize with the re-size the file system, so it can advantage of additional space, for re-size. Just do the command resize2fs [lv path]. in My ubuntu I do command:

 resize2fs /dev/sdn-controller-vg/root  

After this you can verify from pvscan, lvdisplay, df-h, and fdisk -l

I think is done. Thanks for reading. And I hope It can help you :)