Hi Fellas, Let's talk how manage your omniswicth using in-band management when you first time put it on your existing network. I'll try to explain and make it simple. IP Service in omniswitch means, enabling (open) service port. To protect your omni, you have to selective with service want you enable. ip service that omni use like: ftp, ssh, telnet, udp-relay, http, ntp, snmp, https

Before speak with config, let see the topology first.

With topology first, I hope office internal network have been routed to omni network, it means, in office internal network have been configured. So, we just need to configure routing to office internal network in omni. Let hands-on

  1. Assign IP on Interface that cooperated with VLAN network, if VLAN not configured yet, create it first.

     OMNI-6250-24# vlan 2 enable name "Omni Network"  
     OMNI-6250-24# vlan 2 802.1q 1/1 #I use port 1/1 to be upstream link (sometime called trunk link)  
     OMNI-6250-24# ip interface "management" address mask vlan 2  

    Verifying VLAN and IP Interface

  2. When done with VLAN and Management IP, you still can't ping the device, cause there is no any routing to Office internal network, you must create it first

     OMNI-6250-24# ip static-route gateway metric 1  

    Verifying routing

    After verifying in omni, do ping test from your office network

  3. Now, time to enable service port in your omni, in this case. I just want to activate ssh port, telnet port and http port. So I enter the command like below:
     OMNI-6250-24# ip service http   
     OMNI-6250-24# ip service telnet   
     OMNI-6250-24# ip service ssh   
     OMNI-6250-24# aaa authentication console local   
     OMNI-6250-24# aaa authentication telnet local   
     OMNI-6250-24# aaa authentication ssh local   

    then verify
  4. After this, you may access the omni device using ssh client or telnet client, like putty.
    - Using SSH Service Port

    - Using Telnet Port

    - Using HTTPS/HTTP Port Service

    Good Luck. :D